Rosemary Brown Award goes to West Coast LEAF

unacto1Thank you to all who came out to support the UNAC-Vancouver and our partners in presenting the Rosemary Brown Award to West Coast LEAF.  The ceremony was a great success.  West Coast LEAF was recognized for their outstanding contributions in using the law to further women’s equality.

West Coast LEAF works to achieve equality by intervening in strategic test cases that protect or advance Charter and human rights. Their law reform initiatives track legislation affecting the legal rights of women, and they engage with government to ensure that law and policy respect equality rights. They also deliver public legal education workshops that train people on legal tools and strategies, including peer-to-peer training for young people on consent, safe relationships, and workplace rights.

Screen Shot 2014-06-16 at 9.27.57 PMFor more photos, please look at our partner organization’s website the BC Human Rights Coalition: